
Monday, January 2, 2012

Getting Started

Thank you for all your wonderful play date recipes! So many shy, self confessed 'lurkers' also emailed me recipes too.... so I have enough to even compile an e-book of them all... "The Idiots 'Non Bakers' Guide To Play Date Catering"... or something like that.

I hopped on my bike and hightailed it to the local store for ingredients and had some pinwheels, melting moments and banana muffins whipped up in no time. Problem with baking is that you eat the stuff though. Thank goodness the first batch is gone.

Came across this dear little place on my ride. I know. West End. Full of surprises. 

Ok, now seriously, I've got to get back to work. My shed is beckoning. So is my inbox. 
I am not at peace when my inbox gets to over 100 'to action' emails. Ridiculous that it has even gotten to that. 

I have lots of these to send out (aren't they beautiful?... I digress for a minute of gratitude for my lovely stock). My 'I can't start work yet excuse' is tied in with the fact that my couriers are on holidays and I need more courier coupons... so therefore I can't work. Pathetic really. Arghh my inbox.... I could start there. And those who read my blog and have 'in-boxed' me, I am sorry, I am starting this week.

Any minute now.

Even though I just want to do this for just a teeny bit longer. Why is it you just start to relax when you have to get back to work?

I'll start small. Isn't that the technique? Just start? January 3rd. Or should I start next Monday? Just one more week? The problem with working for yourself is if you don't work, no-one else pays the bills.... and I have a teenager to feed! 

I need to go back and reread my mantras. How do you get fired up for the new work year? 

I'll go for a run, clear out the cobwebs, have a coffee, then I'll start...after the school holiday morning activities... or maybe after lunch... or tomorrow while the boys are amused with their play dates. 

...or maybe I'll just tidy my desk today. One thing's for sure, I will be baking! Thank. You.

Happy Tuesday!

Oh, P.S.... I have an offer in on a block of land/knock-down dog-box house. Haven't heard anything yet. It's been hard getting these real estate agents out of bed. Why advertise the place when you are not going to answer your phone or even get back to a phone message? There are some people/me out there who only have time to look over the holidays. Anyway not excessively hopeful though as I'm not budging one inch from my offer. "Make your profit when you buy" is my mantra... does that make sense? .... as I made it up for me. It's all about the land. xx


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