
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

This Time Last Year

Our street

Our park

Waters receding

The clean up

Our neighbourhood

The street I am currently living in... one year ago.

We fared well. 
All we lost were our basement belongings. 
If the river had peaked where it was supposed to have peaked, it would have been over my bed.

Our pets were safe...

... and all we had to worry about was the inconvenience of no power or hot water for 3 weeks. 
All our utilities went under in the basement... and they took ages to fix. 
Even after power was restored, it was limited. 
It was summer, so it was hot....
.....but we had no mud so we were so, so grateful.

Orleigh Park West End - before.
Images Courtesy


Riverfront homes, West End - before


The arrow marks where I was living in West End.
West End was the first inner city suburb to be evacuated.


This is a pretty amazing documentary on 'The Flood of 2011'.
This is just Part One.
Parts Two to Seven are available on the Part One YouTube Side Bar.

Come back on Friday to see how Ken is faring, one year on.



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