
Friday, January 20, 2012

Stopping In The Moment

Despite the sunshine this week, these are photos from our first couple of days here. I love a wild and moody beach!

Oh it's been good to sit and ponder the ocean. Stare out into the ocean long enough and you find the answers and solutions to all sorts of things. It puts everything in your life into perspective.

It was great to have some contemplative time before the hectic school year begins. The boys frolicked and I pondered. I frolicked, the boys pondered..... they had to....I took their computer games off them for the they had to engage in old fashioned pursuits such as reading, swimming, looking for pippies.... and sitting on the beach looking slightly bored at times. Good. Boredom breeds creativity.

So today is our last day of our 'forever' holidays. I used to call them the 'forever' holidays when I was a tike... because at the beginning, before Christmas, it feels like you have forever. They go so fast though these days, at today's pace. They never did when I was a kid... they dragged on forever... maybe because we didn't have much... and you really had to make your own fun....without technology, TV and computers.... things that steal time from you.

Knowing that our holidays are coming to an end, I know I am going to be doing the whole 'stop time and freeze frame every last moment' thing today. I am a 'sentimental fool' on 'last days'.

Do you ever have those moments?.. when you stop and think, "right now, in this moment, I am grateful. I have everything I want and everything I need".

Right now, right at this very moment, most likely you do.

Those are the moments in life where you find true happiness I reckon!

Happy Weekend! Lots to do... so I will see you Monday!


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