Our unpacking is still continuing as we are moving into a much smaller house than the home we built in Tassie.
There have been some lovely things with moving and as I said some adjustments in living conditions. One of the beautiful things is the view we have from this house and the gardens are just a fairy-tale land for our imaginative children. They have had the most fun exploring these areas.
The time since we started to pack up our home in Tassie to settling in here has been rather quick in one way, we have been here over two weeks now, and in another the unpacking and finding new places for our treasured books and space to live has been rather tiring.
Here are a few scenes from packing up at our old home..............
It was very messy for the last week of living there and I admit I found it difficult to live in such mess.
We did spend a bit of time photographing our home, both inside and out about our 5 acres. I do wish we had kept a better photographic journal of our building this home like my friend Erin has but alas I wasn't blogging then and so the presentation of ideas was much different.
As the movers left gear behind each night, they arrived on Monday morning and came everyday until they finished on Friday afternoon, Eden and Saxon just HAD TO have a ride around in the trolley thing.
The movers taking a break part way through the fourth container load on my rocking chair.
We ended up with four containers and that little truck full of our belongings to move here. This is them going around 3pm on Friday afternoon.
Of course we had to get some empty home shots and this was a bittersweet moment for me especially.
We walked through as a family from one room to the other as our final farewell to this home we have lived in for over 7 years.
In fact we had never seen this home completely empty as we moved in to only part of it, while continually building it and the frame work was only wrapped in the paper with no doors and one window and an outside pit toilet. We built as we lived in it continually and finished building it within 4 years (I think)
It will be a memory for us all but sadly I don't think our little ones will remember much except through stories and photos.
We spent most of our time in this big kitchen area. We called it 'The Great Hall' and it was a place of many family celebrations
One of the photos I had to have of everyone was underneath one of our Wattle Trees. These grew up over the years as this was all cleared for our building site.
Vellvin above
Saxon and Trahaearn
Sweet Angel, Trahaearn
Braedon, who came home to help us move out. He lives in Wagga too so we are doubly blessed by this. Kynan was way to far from Tassie to be able to get the time of work to make a last trip home
Stephen, my love
My love and I
Under the stairs we made a last tribute to this home we have loved and then we walked out the door.
Stephen was the last to walk out the door and lock the door for the last time.
Waking to the Taxi and our van loaded with everything we will need for the next few days until the trucks arrive with our gear.
We had the trailer full and both our canoes on top of the trailer......there is nothing left behind, except our memories and good friends.
I look forward to sharing our new discoveries in the 'great new world' we live in now!
To remind us that life is a journey that we travel I thought this poem/song from The Hobbit appropriate~
Roads go ever ever on,
Over rock and under tree,
By caves where never sun has shone,
By streams that never find the sea;
Over snow by winter sown,
And through the merry flowers of June,
Over grass and over stone,
And under mountains in the moon.
Roads go ever ever on
Under cloud and under star,
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar.
Eyes that fire and sword have seen
And horror in the halls of stone
Look at last on meadows green
And trees and hills they long have known.
Blessings to you and your homes,
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