I find the more complicated the world gets, the more I seek out simplicity in all that I do. I was reading something somewhere last night about how smartphones have killed the creativity of boredom. Do you think that is the case? Are we at a stage now where we can't be still without being stimulated/occupied 24/7? Remember the days of staring at the walls in a waiting room, your mind wandering, creating?
I don't know whether it is just because I am getting older and more comfortable in my own skin, but I seek out simpler routines, simpler methodologies to all that I do in my day these days. The busier the world gets, the more effort I put into making mine less busy and more productive. I feel that it gives me the opportunity to live in the moment/task more and experience more gratitude for the little things, for each and every moment. The days are short. I feel the need to slow them down and savour them more.
My day starts simply when I get up with the sun, detach from the world, even my thoughts for a while, and run into the day. I work in a business that is uncomplicated, with limited overheads, a manageable product range with simple operational procedures. I can work pretty much from anywhere and I get to connect with happy, creative people.
My home is now simple, uncluttered, pared down, tidy, easy to clean and manage.
My wardrobe is manageable and consists of only what fits and what I love to wear. Our meals are fresh, uncomplicated, unprocessed. The TV is off most nights so we connect as a family.. and when it's not, we watch our favourite box sets of shows we are working our way through together. Our daily routine is simple.....and we all know our jobs, what needs to be done. Sometimes I shout from the kitchen at the end of the day, "aren't we a great team?!" I stop to savour and be grateful more these days.
Maybe because my life has been so complicated in the past, I am just revelling in normality! in peace! in contentment? in gratitude? Maybe things will change when I start building my next house? Maybe I am older and wiser and will be able to be 'in the world but not of it' when I'm standing on my next building site. Maybe busy New York put 'it' all in to perspective?
Maybe Einstein was on to something? "I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best both for the body and the mind". Albert Einstein ...
"Let your mind wander in simplicity" ~Chuang-tzu
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Buddha
Do you seek out simplicity in your life? Have you been looking for ways to un-complicate your life and savour each moment more? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
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