Hello! :) How are you doing today? I hope that you are in the swing of things this school year so far. We are loving it and it has been a smooth transition so far for us.
Today, I am honored to bring you a guest post from one of my best friends from High School. We grew up and figured skated together. She is a wife, mother, a licensed cosmetologist was crowned Miss Crystal Lake. Please welcome Sarah!
Hi, Creating a House of Grace, readers! I’m Sarah Solomon and I’m soexcited to be guest posting for Bonnie! Today, I’ll be sharing decorating rulesthat is focused on how to hang your pictures the proper height.
Today, I am honored to bring you a guest post from one of my best friends from High School. We grew up and figured skated together. She is a wife, mother, a licensed cosmetologist was crowned Miss Crystal Lake. Please welcome Sarah!
Hi, Creating a House of Grace, readers! I’m Sarah Solomon and I’m soexcited to be guest posting for Bonnie! Today, I’ll be sharing decorating rulesthat is focused on how to hang your pictures the proper height.
I love decorating and how a room can make you feel. Although, I have walked into many homes where the pictures were just not hung properly and it's made a room feel off. You'll be surprised how different your room can feel when you follow these simple rules.
So, on with the rules!!
Rule #1 – Eye Level
The rule of thumb is to hang your pictures at eye level.Well, who’s eye level?! I have the answer for you!
57 inches on center
“On center” means the center of the picture should be 57inches from the ground. This rule is great for a picture that isn’t above asofa or table.
Rule #2 – Picture above a sofa, chair, or table
The rule is to hang the picture 6-12 inches above the sofa,chair, or table. So, the bottom of the frame is 6-12 inches from the top of thesofa, chair, or table.

(These pictures are hung to follow the curve of the headboard.)

(These pictures are hung to follow the curve of the headboard.)

Rule #3 – Groupings
- To find the proper height for a grouping:
1. Lay out your pictures on the floor first to getthe grouping you like.
2. Find the center of your grouping.
3. Measure 57 inches from the floor or 6-12 inchesfrom the sofa, chair, or table.
4. The center of your grouping should be 57 inchesfrom the floor or 6-12 inches from thesofa, chair, or table.
- Keep at least one edge of the grouping in a straight line. Example: vertical, horizontal, or center.
- If you’re hanging a grouping of pictures, space them a frames width apart.
Extra Tips:
- Use the proper size picture for the size of the wall. If you have a large wall, don’t put a small picture on it. Instead, use a larger picture or have a large grouping that fills the wall.
- Use vertical pictures on narrow walls and vise-versa.
- Don’t be afraid to over-lap a lamp in-front of your pictures.
- Don’t be afraid to adjust the rules to work around obstacles.
(Example: Tall narrow wall with vertical pictures to fill space; adjusted to fit above light switches; lamp over-laps pictures)

(These pictures were adjusted because of the light switch and they are an appropriate size.)
These pictures were taken at my parents house. Everything I have learned about decorating I have learned from my mom. She is certified in re-design but she has also always had an "eye" for good design. I have been able to accompany her on her re-designs.
Thanks so much for reading, next visit my blog over at Pampered Daughter Thrifty Wife and follow on facebook!
Thank you Bonnie!
Thank you so much Sarah for sharing those awesome tips!! I wasn't sure on the hanging rules so this was a huge help to me.
Bonnie :)
You can read Sarah's other popular posts here:
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