To be part of the fun simply take a photo of the place beside your bed where you collect all your treasures, whether a small chest of draws like myself or a beautiful table or simply a stack of stuff and then tell us what you have on or in this this space.
You may or may not tidy up first, which ever you feel comfortable with and then simply add your link to this post.
Please, spread the word so we can all have a little peak into others head space too. Perhaps we can even pick up some decorating ideas or books to read as well.
So on my bedside table I have~
My bible
My prayer book that has had the cover torn off it and greasy fingerprints on
a bookmark from the children
A lamp with various Madi Gras Masks and Birthday felt crowns on it
A recent embroidery from Rogan for Christmas
A Sunbonnet Sue embroidery from Autumn some years ago
A WHOLE collection of books ( I won't mention the basket full beside the bed ) in various stages of completion - some nearly finished and some barely started or being read for the third or more time
Mothers Treasury of Prayers
Season's Of a Mother's Heart
Mitten Strings for God
Story Telling With Children
The Ultimate Guide to Sensory Processing Disorder
You are your Child's First Teacher
For the Family's Sake
Heaven on Earth
Sometimes I even clean it and often have a few pieces of craft, some flowers from the children and a cup of coffee, (all on this quite small space) but not today.
Well thank you to any one who would like to join in and I look forward to seeing other inspiring bedtime places!
Blessings to you and your homes,
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