The girls and I have over the last couple of years started to collect tea cups for ourselves.
I must admit for many years I have loved the idea of building up a collection of beautiful teacups
We try to have some special time getting out the tea cups an enjoy the specialness of this time together.
When Autumn got her tea cup initially we simply put it in our cabinet with other special pieces of glassware etc. Over time as we have built up our collection over birthdays and Christmas we just added them to the cabinet. we also have Anna-Lisa's kept here too that we gave her for her 16th Birthday as well as the one Bernadette has left here for special times.
I have always wanted to have the tea cups in this buffet and hutch very much like Emile Barnes describes in her books. It was one of those "I really want to do this but I only ever remember when I have about a thousand things to do." However I have a very special daughter who also liked the idea as well who when I asked her if she would do this was more than happy to make the change for me.
So here we have our special tea cups in our lovely buffet and hutch that I can see each time a I am working in the kitchen (which is quite a lot of the time really) and treasure the memories we create with these tea cups!
And as an added bonus I got the buffet and hutch tidied up too!!
Blessings to you and your homes,
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