We have finally come to the time of year I love best.
Warm fires, candle light, lamp light and togetherness.
There is something about a fire that invites people to share a space together, either doing things together such as playing cards, board games, or just chatting and crafts. Often you will find us just being together in our own little worlds reading books, but being open to each other during this time of rest and relaxation, a place of sanctuary.
So much can happen here in this space while really doing nothing more than being in the company of those you love and love you back.
Did I mention I love fires and all that they bring to mind? Oh, yes I have I am sure!
I am also thankful for the strong young men in our family who chop this for us. Of course our girls can and do chop wood too, but essentially it is the guys job on a regular basis.
As we lit our fire the other day it was amazing to see the return of the 'knitting' phase that was very evident in our home last year.
Our younger children started 'spider knitting' again which is really French knitting but on these cool, yes cool, knitting nancy things. I know they are plastic but seriously they make it so easy for younger children to get started with. By the way the children call them spider knitting because it looks like a huge spider web as it grows.
Last year Corbyn did not have the ability or the patience to really do his, but boy has he make a long 'spider web' now. He is so proud of his achievements, being able to do what the others have been doing and so is a very happy little camper
Of course as the cooler weather draws in we can now legitimately enjoy a cup of warm cocoa.
This one is one of my speciality ones that we save for not every day.
For this very large cup take:
2 slightly heaped teaspoons of cocoa
2 teaspoons of coconut sugar
4 heaped teaspoons of milk powder (full cream is our preference)
Mix thoroughly and pour on boiling water till about 3/4 full
Then top with pouring cream to desired height (use milk for a not so rich version if you like, but cream makes it oh, just so very very nice, really it does....go on try it)
Mix well again.
For even added specialness add whipped cream on top of this again.
How do you like that little cupcake on the side?
Well let me tell you it is grain free and I have to admit THE most delicious chocolate cupcake we have tried so far. The frosting on top.....mmm yummy too.
Oh you want to know all about it?
Well look for a post soon on our baking successes and failures and how we rate all the ones we have tried since going Grain 'n' Sugar FREE!
In the meantime enjoy your seasons where ever you are! I am so delighted with ours!
Blessings to you and your homes,
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