However I did discover we had some sugar left over in some unmarked jars. I had intended to keep this for visitors in their coffee and tea when they came to visit, as well as for our older boys when they came home.
Having that in jars though once discovered and used on oats by a certain 15 year old was a sure recipe for disaster. What disaster could follow? Well when Saxon found the sugar, it follows that those who follow him to the pantry would find it too and for little people who have been told 'no more sugar' well the temptation is too great.
So I decided to just throw it all out!
I asked one of the older kids to throw it outside somewhere, which they did and thought no more about it.
Until Rogan came in and said the bees were all over it.
He watched them for a while and decided that the bees were acting quite 'loopy' flying all over in quite a drunken like fashion and even flying into things. We all went to look and discovered that this was true. Not only were there bees sucking up all this sugar that had melted down but there were wasps as well, not my favourite at all.
This actually continued for almost a week and they swarmed all over the sugar in clusters as you can see. It was interesting to watch but the children kept accusing me of making the bees drunk!
We did manage to get a video of them too. I am not sure what this means to those bees and the honey they make, but, well I really didn't mean to have the bees collect it if I may say in my own defence!
Blessings to you and your homes,
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