Simply put Saxon (as a new job for him) is in charge of filling the snack packs each night. This zip lock bag contains each persons entire snack quota for the day, with the exception of perhaps an apple or banana.
Unless of course we bake something to be shared at a meal.
This is actually going well and I must say that I am pleased with how the children, especially the younger ones are managing with it.
Now depending on whether you believe dried fruit is good for you or not you may like our list of items (or not)
Now I would probably allow a bit more nuts if they weren't so very expensive.
However this is what we have in the 'snack packs'~
2 dried apricots
2 dates
2 prunes
approx 5 almonds
approx 5 cashews
approx 5 macadamia
small (very) hand of peanuts
small (very) hand of sultanas
pumpkin seeds - a few thrown in
sunflower seeds - a few thrown in
dried shredded coconut
Not everyone likes everything, well a few do, but we give and take for those individual tastes and thankfully I have had some relief from the constant asking for food question!
So how do you cope with the munchies at your home? I would love to hear some great ideas!
Blessings to you and your homes,
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