Our young children were very excited to have some young friends come over to play with them in the cubby and to create some very interesting 'meals'
In fact after the first play visit when the children were told 'the kids' were coming back to play again Moran mainly but along with Roan spent some very enjoyable hours getting their'home' ready for their guests.
We had paper laid out on the old school table ready for some creative endeavours
Food as always is an essential part of entertaining and this meant preparing a meal the night before the little guests would arrive.
The cabin was tidied up as all good homemaker do before celebrated guests arrive.
Flowers were added in any receptacle that could hold these inviting additions to the home as well as a door way feature
And a wonderful welcome sign added for the guests to see as they arrived.
Curtains were added to this 'home' as you obviously need to keep out the enquiring glaces of those not part of the 'home front', no they just add a personal and finishing touch to the decorating.
When the guests arrived to play with the young children we saw many meals prepared and washed up and the cabin was continually cleaned and re-prepared for another game soon after.
All in all it just goes to show that children really do love to play these time old games over and over , and whether at home or away it really is a game that never loses fascination.
With a few pots and pans and spoons and bits and pieces from the garden as well as access to water children have all they need, as well as their active imaginations to provide hours of invigorating play.
Preparing food can be a wonderful bonding activity even wehn playing in the cuby house.
There is always plenty to do and all cna help with the work involved.
Of course their is always toeh washing up to be done and this can be lots of fun, with lots of water to give a new dimention to the activites.
The variations of this can be so wide and yet they all maintain a sense of the everyday and imitation of the world around them. Once again giving thought to the image we present as we go about our daily tasks.
The children were more than happy in this little environment they created and had a lovely time with their new little friends.
This picture seems to say to me -'Welcome to our home away from home'
I do love mud kitchens and as posting this realised I had not shared the girls birthday ones with you yet.
Oh well, life moves on and so it stays in drafts along with about 100 other half done posts☺
Blessings to you and your homes,
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