
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How It All Panned Out Yesterday

Via dearyouloveme.tumblr

It was my fault. I left the premises. I was lulled into a false sense of security as everything was going swimmingly. An apartment full of busy tradies all seeming to know what they were doing. I had to get some groceries for my boys.... so they had all they needed while staying with friends while I'm away.

I should have known things would go astray when the supervisor assured me that he would not leave the premises, yet he was not there when I returned early from grocery shopping. 

I don't know how long it was sitting there for. I found it at 4pm in the afternoon, after I had picked the boys up from school. That's a 100 year old enjo glove full of bleach, freshly bleached from my cleaning of the shower before they came to trim the shower door so it would fit in the recess and actually close after nine months of it just smashing into the wall. 

And it's lying on my beautiful custom made ottoman. ....rescued from the house sale. A treasure of mine. I am not materialistic but the few things I do have I treasure. They must have taken it off the shower door handle and chucked in on my beautiful linen covered ottoman. That's bleach.

I cried.... and then I let it go.

Off to Melbourne for the 'Problogger' Conference. I'm boarding now.
Have a great day!



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