
Friday, October 14, 2011

Strong Bonds

It's not until they're separated that I am reminded of the seriously strong bond that exists between my two boys. Big son has gone away for the whole weekend (for the Opti-Minds State Final)...for actually longer than a school camp..... oh dear! He went last night. There were tears from the little one. Quiet ones. He got out of the car after we dropped his big brother off last night and his eyes were red and swollen. Poor little mite.

It worries me sometimes. How is my little one ever going to stand on his own two feet when he and his brother are inseparable?  He has such a loving, nurturing big brother. I thought the advent of the teenage years would change the dynamic... but they really are each others oxygen... and the dynamic is the same both ways. I received a rather late text message from big one in his hotel last night, "I love you both so much. Tell K I love him". Brings me to tears. I'm good at tears when it comes to my boys.

They're a great team at home. They know what jobs have to be done and they've worked it all out between themselves. They swap, they do deals, they do each other favours... "if you do the top row of the dishwasher, I'll do the folding and make our beds". As long as the job gets done for Mum.

I even hear big one giving advice to little one about choosing good friends and managing schoolwork and being self motivated. He really wants the best for his little brother. He's so wise. He always has been.

So it's just the two of us this weekend. We'll have fun. We'll busy ourselves this morning with grocery shopping (little one absolutely loves it... he loves Maths too....just like his brother! he enjoys working out price per weight and all the bargains) and then we'll head off to the shed for some customer pickups and order packing. We're taking the ripsticks to the shed.... for after the customers!... there's lots of smooth concrete, lots of space to play and no supervisor there on the weekends.... boy heaven. I'm hopeless on them but little one loves to see me try.

I am so blessed. I know it. I love them. I am so grateful for them.

Happy Saturday! Big storm here this morning. It's raining buckets.
Four years gone but still an all time favourite.


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