
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Renting Sort Of Really Is The Pits....

Look at that gorgeous Jacaranda tree just outside my place!

... sometimes... well at times. 

Now don't get me wrong..... I'm grateful, grateful, grateful that I have a roof over my head... and such a beautiful view like this (above)... temporarily... until my lease is up. It's the Residential Tenancies Authority's definition of 'Quiet Enjoyment Of The Property' that I am struggling with. 

Our unit was brand new when we moved in, early this year, after the floods. Unbeknownst to us, the unit came with a long list of defects (that the new owner identified after he had taken ownership of it) that needed to be rectified by the developer. These defect repairs have been painstakingly drawn out over the last 9 months..... at the developer's convenience..... and not mine. I get a 24 hrs notice 'Entry Notice' handed to me at least once a week. There's always someone (who doesn't actually live in my unit or pay rent) fixing something in my so-called 'sanctuary from the world'.

Today's entry notice? ... for 'Defects To Be Remedied'... from 9am - 5pm... how's that!!!.... 8 hours access to my home... at their leisure!!! I don't like people being in my home when I am not here... so guess where I'm stuck today.... at their convenience....

.... and to make matters worse, during that time today we also have the routine '3 monthly inspection' by the complex manager (who hates my kids). I suppose he's got to make sure me and my unruly boys haven't trashed the place.... as you do. Ugghh, you know where I'll be ALL day today...stuck at home....listening to hammering, workman chit chat..... while sticking pins in my eyes! 

I still make them coffee you know. Grrr.

End of whinge.
Oh, I was so busy whining that I almost forgot, Dulux has drawn a winner for my 'Dulux Colour Consultant' competition. It's Jodie from 'Life On The River'. Congratulations Jodie! I will make contact with you and pass your details on to Dulux.


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