I have been thinking about this post a lot and about how much to say, but frankly what matters most is that our children play this over an over again and obviously to me that it really feeds their imagination and thus they grow form that and so return to this form of play that really is a very simple activity that can take hours and even days of their time
I have seen many 'mud kitchens' on line and often would drool over the set ups of some of these elaborate spaces. I would think to my self 'if only our children had a place set up with a little cupboard to store all they items and a special designated space like these fabulous mud kitchens" and then I look and see the beauty in the simple use of stools and other everyday items the children put together.
In fact they do not seem to feel deprived at all, it is simply me thinking and comparing to others and how they provide for their own children.
Each of us is different and while the 'extras' are nice, they are not essential. Which should be obvious to me really, because our children have not felt the need to ask for more than they have.....and I am truly thankful for that!
So for your viewing pleasure, and mine , because I love to see the results of this creativity here are lots of pictures, with out much wording of various creations and wonderful delicacies the children have produced.
Above I think this one was a milo
Chocolate cake with chocolate chips
A nourishing soup
One of the busy chefs
Arwen taking her turn at the kitchen
This is Myffwyn's master piece. I adore this cake and love the camellia buds, but sh!!, don't tell her Daddy
This one is the latest house they created in a patch of clearing in amongst some trees
The breakfast porridge
The kitchen space
The living area complete with nursery for the babies
The red wagon filled with water behind the 'kitchen' is the well
I think they actually brought some food from the house to eat while 'cooking in the mud kitchen'
Here we have another day with the stools being again used along with the planks we have for see swas and a bit of wood spanning two 'ponies' which are builders saw horses, which are very handy for play equipment.
Seriously when we were building a contract builder made 'ponies for the children complete with a hole for a hobby horse head, which he supplied as well. They had a fabric saddle and reins and a tail.
Our children were delighted and we still use them for many things, mostly play wise over 8 years later.
a wide variety of dishes
I remember this one as soup
Definitely meatballs
and hmm chocolate something.
Again the 'mobile mud kitchen' set up but the picture is when they had finished playing but this time near the swing set.
Of course I have many more 'mud kitchen' photos but I think you have had enough for now....
Another interesting note is that Moran now wants to actually write her 'mud kitchen' recipes down into a book, complete with pictures so she can have a recipe book to work from.
Now I think that is a fantastic idea, don't you?
Blessings to you and your homes,
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