Ok, it's sinking in that I'm outta here in 2 days time. I've started hugging and kissing my boys way more ....and telling them that I 'miss them already'. That's the hardest part, being away from them for a few weeks.... and being a long way away. I'll rise to the challenge. They are so busy with school and stuff, they won't even notice I've gone. Thank goodness for Skype.
I found this great New York Travel Guide through Flipboard last night. It's full of everything you could imagine... tourist tips and shows and updates on everything. How lovely that they will be lighting up the Empire State Building, in the colours of all the participating countries' flags, during the Olympics. I'm also very keen to catch a Central Park performance of Stephen Sondheim's 'Into the Woods'. I played in the orchestra of the Queensland Musical Theatre Company's production way back in 1996. It would be a wonderful trip down memory lane if I could see it again.... as an audience member and not a member of a 'flea pit' (that's what I called the orchestra pit in that production, as I am sure there were fleas down there). Glen Close is in it.... who'da thunk? I hope the weather stays fine!
I have the longest wish list of things to do. I have been sent the most comprehensive lists of interior and design related things to see and experience, by my readers. Thank you so much everyone. I am so grateful that you took the time to write to me. I am collating it all on the plane trip. Everyone will be watching in flight entertainment and I'll be scheming with bits of paper and a notepad!
I have a big day ahead of me in the shed, finalising orders and shutting up shop for a few weeks. I so don't feel like it! I just want to go now!
I'm all packed! I'll share my packing experience with you tomorrow. You've gotta see it! I'm chuffed at how compact I am travelling. Helps that it is summer over there.
I can't sleep so I am off for a run I think... when it gets just a little bit lighter!
Happy Friday!
PS. Yep, mastered 'Blogsy'....although I cheated this morning and used the laptop when I am supposed to be practising iPad blogging. You'll just have to suffer what I send you from New York, with limited practice time under my belt. Any advice on Instagram? I have unlocked my iPhone and bought a 'Travel Sim' card which I am trying to activate and test. I tell you, those 'help desk ticket answerers' at Travel Sim have mastered sarcasm! Very intolerant of my blonde questions. I'm biting my tongue in my replies to them. Anyone else used this service?
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