I worked out a wish list and then finally after much deliberation placed an order for the books.
Guess what? Today they arrived, well all except one that I am still waiting for. I can tell you there is much joy in opening a box full of books in our family. The children were all vying for their favorite new picture books and I was keen to look at my 'boring mother books' as the children call them.
I am really excited about reading them, some for myself and some to the children.
In fact I really should link to the books for you but I just am going to read them instead, sorry.
However you will certainly be able to find them on line from the title in the pictures if you are interested.
Any way have a lovely day what ever you do, and me what will I be doing? I will be reading to my hearts content to our children and then a little for me too!
Blessings to you and your homes
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