An 'elegant, under-the-stairs, upholstered, banquette nook' this morning. Very classy. I wonder if it is actually used, in any way, in real life though? Love the wall lamp. I have a similar one, in antique silver, in my shop. Also love the detail on the stairs too. Sigh.
This time next week, I will be waking up in New York. I will have one day in NYC, to get my bearings, before I head up to The Hamptons. I actually have 2 walking tours booked on my first day.... literally planning to hit the ground running.... well, walking. Over enthusiastic maybe.... but just in case I am full of beans, I booked one at 10am and one at 2pm. The 2pm one is in Greenwich Village. I think that's a great place to hang out for an afternoon and stare at the sun to get my pineal gland thinking it is not midnight back in Australia.
Lots to do this week. I have to collate all the wonderful emails and comments I have received from you into some sort of wish list/itinerary. I want to thank you for all your wonderful advice and if you have any more.... I am here... all ears... until early next Sunday! #beyondexciting
Happy Monday!
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