Sometimes it sucks!
I share little bits of my life with you each day. I tell you about things that make my heart stop, things that inspire me, things about my business and my love of beautiful homes. I have also had some heartbreak in my life and my life has changed considerably over the time I have kept this blog. Who's life hasn't? I happen to think my life is great. I try to look at everything with a positive outlook and live 'as if'. I don't think that I am fake or not who I am on this blog. This blog is me. Really.
Why do I say all this? ....
...anonymous, misinformed, slanderous commenters who visit me from time to time. I ignore them mostly....'starve them of oxygen'.... as recommended by my blog friends who have also been on the receiving end of these cowardly anonymous attacks.
The reason I am even bringing this is up is I have been questioning... where do you draw the line?... ...between sharing interesting aspects of your life and intimately private parts of your life that you reserve for immediate family and your closest friends.
My 'nasties' actually demand of me that I spill the beans about my marriage, why I sold 'the house', why I am moving and seem to be demanding a truth that isn't there. It's not really that interesting. Things have happened... but that's life (my life) and it's not magazine worthy gossip. There is no conspiracy. What you see is what you get.
It's hard not to get defensive. I know I don't have to answer to anyone. I know that. But this stuff hurts my heart. It really does..... I have not taken up with homeless men 'to make myself feel better'!!!!!..... I just happen to like people and feel compassion for others who struggle, I respect my boy's father and respect his privacy.... and my house was a great success on all fronts and has inspired me to do it all again in spite of aggressive, misguided comments asserting the contrary.
So what more do these people want from me? This is me. This is who I am. Why do I have to give them more? It puzzles me why some feel it necessary to demand the most intimate details of my life while making the most dogmatic, incorrect accusations against me and my family.... as if they know a truth that I don't.
Where do I go from here? How about we do a deal, anonymous commenters? You tell me your financial position, your intimate family details, all about your marriage and why you do everything you do..... hang on, cancel that, how about we just start with you telling me who YOU are?
Sunshine and roses will continue tomorrow.
Sweet dreams lovelies.
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