Where are all my blog posts?
Well I have been drawn to other interests and desires at the moment.
We are on holidays here still and won't be returning to lessons until the end of the month. So at the moment I am just enjoying the 'lazy days of Summer, well sort of Summer/Autumn weather for us.
I have been just relaxing with the days, spending time with the children and spending a great deal of time READING! Yes reading has been my major interest for the moment. I have read so many books lately and I know Erin is just waiting for me to list and review them. I promise to soon Erin!
Not much crafting at all and I only today picked up my crocheting for the first time in months it seems when Autumn asked me to help her learn to crochet!
I am finally over my guilt about not making presents for Christmas and am sorting through some of my ideas for 2012 and our lessons for our children for this new School Year.
So having said all that I really must get back to the really great book I am reading!
Blessings to you and your homes,
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