Seriously, I have never seen such a peculiarity!
There is never AN odd sock - there is always an 'odd sock basket or an odd sock bag' isn't there?
And to prove a point we had both!
Over the Christmas break we had a major clean out of clothes. Of course this meant that we found some of those mischievous items that had been lost for a very ling time - odd socks.
So due to the fact that we sorted out our clothes felt that it was only fair that we needed to cut back on the odd socks that seem to keep 'jumping' into our odd sock bag/basket.
I decided to 'bite the bullet' and finally throw out all those odd socks that had been hibernating in our odd sock bag for over 3 years. You know 'those ones you are sure are still around some where and if your throw it out now the other one is bound to turn up' type.
So I started on a new hobby....I became THE EXTERMINATOR.......Yes I was ruthless and if you do not believe I had it in me - here is the result of my ruthlessness.~
Yes that is all that is left of our Odd Socks (see it is a plural term).
Now all I need to do is stop it from multiplying again.
Do you have any good ideas to share?
Blessings to you and your homes,
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