For quite a few weeks they lived in our old rabbit hutch that has had a few uses over time and Rogan who seems to be our official 'animal handler' would move it each day so they would have plenty of grass to eat.
This was actually quite a challenge each day as he had to hammer into the ground metal pegs to stop the dogs from trying to push the hutch over and get to the ducks.
Imagine my surprise one afternoon, as I came home from shopping, to actually find this new duck enclosure in place with the ducks securely within. Well I guess you have to know how often it usually takes these things to happen I guess.
As soon as the duck enclosure was made Rogan was so keen to give it a name and of course The Snuggly Duckling was his choice as Tangled has an Inn named that in it and Tangled is a favourite movie.
So now our ducks Kronk and Yzma also named after another movie we like- The Emperors New Groove.
are happily settled in their new home.
Yes I know we watch too many Animated films BUT we love them and we quote them all the time. It is a major part of our family culture, that we all quote back and forward in any and all situations.
Blessings to you and your homes,
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