
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Difference Molding Makes

2010 05 01_3098

Ever since we moved in our house three  years ago,  I wanted crown molding!  I love that stuff!  I feel like  it adds so much to a room.  We finally went to the store to buy some and I couldn’t believe how many different sizes and designs there were.  My husband and I both wanted to get different kinds, so we bought a mixture to see what we liked the best.  Then I took pictures so I can see the difference.  The problem was that we only have the 3 inch baseboard so you are “supposed” to get a similar size molding on the ceiling.  I did NOT like that idea.  I wanted the biggest, surprised? lol!  I wanted the 5 inch stuff

Here is some pictures we took when deciding.

This was the smallest size, 3 inch.

2009 11 14_1166

This was the 4 inch.  (My husband wanted this)

 2009 11 14_1167

This is the 5 inch! (What I wanted!!!)

 2009 11 14_1168

Which one do you like the most?

Which one do you think that we went with?

Yup, MINE!!! (but we used a less dramatic design)

Here are some before pictures.

2010 03 06_1714 2010 03 06_1719 2010 03 06_1720 

Here is a corner so you can see it both ways.

2010 03 09_1699

Here is my hubby at work.

     2010 03 09_1702

2010 03 06_1713

He also primed and painted them for me.  Thanks babe!

Here is the finished product!

2010 05 01_3092 2010 05 01_3093 2010 05 01_3098

Much better, huh?

I am really happy with it so far.

We plan on doing the whole first floor, our foyer and our master bed and bath room too.  I am so excited!!!  Woo Hoo!

Do you have crown molding?

What size did you go with?

I hope that you have a great week!

Bonnie :)

Linking to these parties!

Please stop by my online Shaklee Shop.


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