A tegnapi munkám során hajókirándulást dirigáltam Visegrádra, ahol egy szárazföldi kitérő keretében lovagi tornán is részt vettünk. Igaz, hogy ennek nem sok köze van a lakberendezéshez, de azért lőttem pár képet ide is, ahogy megígértem.
Yesterday I was working on a boat trip to Visegrád, where we could take part in a knights tournament, joust too. As I promised I shot several pictures for you. Although it is not a design theme, but an interesting piece of Hungary.
Yesterday I was working on a boat trip to Visegrád, where we could take part in a knights tournament, joust too. As I promised I shot several pictures for you. Although it is not a design theme, but an interesting piece of Hungary.
:) Yep, this is me. Igen ez én vagyok. (Photo by Nobi)
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