Of course when I looked at what we had in the craft cupboard I did not have any of the items I needed, sigh!
So after a quick trip to a couple of stores in town I managed to get some items to work with. You have to believe me when I say I was not able to get exactly what I wanted, something I am actually used to by now.
Mind you I think I am pleased with the way it turned out though.
So what do you need:
glittery pipe cleaners
simple clear tinted beads.
scissors to cut the pipe-cleaner with
optional pliers
Take a pipe-cleaner and cut in half and then half again.
Twist into a star shape
Place the colours of your beads you want together with the star and simply...........
Thread the beads on to your pipe-cleaner in a desired pattern
Trim the edges and even turn them under with pliers if you like.
Add some thread and hang up
Of course we tried a few other combinations and Rogan and Moran especially loved doing this.
Happy Beading!!
Blessings to you and your homes,
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