Over the last few months I have been incredibly busy with my interior work, renovating my own home and just keeping up with the demands of life, my blog has always been such a important part of daily work life but as I'm discovering not always easy to do with so many commitments to juggle.
Last week I attended the launch of Country Trader, it was one of those fabulous nights when Brisbane's design industry all got together for an evening of inspiration and great company, to be in a room of so many people I have the utmost respect for, so many of whom were my friends which added to such a fantastic night.What always seems to surprise me is how many people actually follow my blog, maybe we don't always realise just how many people may look but simply don't leave a comment because like me, they may be time poor.
I blog to inspire, to share inspiration but mostly to connect with like minded people, whilst I am perhaps a little reserved in showing off my home. I thought it was time to maybe show a few sneak peeks. I was asked why I feel that way, well maybe its because I live in a real home that's not always perfect, like many of us I can't always afford lavish artwork and antiques, (Even if i lust after them) sometimes we just have to make do! When we bought our home we seriously didn't allow for just how much renovating would actually cost and to say it has been a struggle for us is the understatement of the year. During this time we lost a child so in perfect honesty I am amazed we managed to keep it all together. This home was not a labour of love but sheer and utter survival in a very difficult time in our life, that was then and this is now. I think we have spent nearly every weekend working on our house for the last year and a half, sometimes feeling like life is passing you by, but maybe for us it was also a time of healing. I think I sometimes need to pinch myself and look back and realise we did it, as hard as it has been no glossy story here, but it was worth it. I wanted to do so much more to the interiors but maybe even us decorators have to stay with our means and settle for its good enough!
I'm happy with the outcome and whilst I drive my family crazy that I could do so much more, secretly I'm happy and truly blessed with my home. I do have a feature coming up so I have to keep it under wraps for now but thought I would share just a few snaps of my home.
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