My turn to apologise for such a long blogcation, though I can vouch for the fact that we've not been resting on our laurels! However, there's no excuses....and it's time to get things moving again...especially since Spring has well and truly arrived this last few days. Isn't it glorious to feel that first bit of sun on your back?
And I must admit, Nic and I both felt pretty sunny on the inside too, given the recent arrival in the post of these two publications! A Green Guide to Country Crafts has been published in Finland and Estonia! Our lovely publishers, CICO, kindly sent us a copy of each and I have to say, it was a big surprise to us both.How funny to see all the words you've written in another language? Particularly since neither of us has any grasp at all of either language..... Pilliroo poorised - translated means Purple Common reed heads in Estonian! Handy to know!
And we now know that shampoo bars in Estonian is Sampoonseebid.....
And that Chocolate Mint soap is Minttusuklaasaippua in Finnish!
And whilst on the theme of all things Country Crafts, I thought I'd share with you the very unique and special wrapping that enveloped my birthday present from's contact sheets from the very early days of doing our book! How about that for the ultimate in recycling!
And check out the knitted tag with, of course, buttons!!
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