
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Just Give It

Image Courtesy Shutter Sisters

Ok, here's the drum. If you've got something lying around, that's in good nick, that someone else could really use (someone, say who has been homeless.... and now finally has a place to call home..... but has no means to aquire something to sit on to eat their meals) why not contact: GIVIT.....HERE.

'Givit', liaises with lots of nationwide charities to find out what they need for specific individuals and families in need. The charities post people's needs online.... which you can respond to if you can help out. You can also load up descriptions of stuff that you would like to donate into their Virtual Warehouse... so that the charities can contact you. 

No joke, I loaded up bookcases, beds, cabinets, bean bags, homewares, tonnes of stuff at 7:38am yesterday morning and I received my first email from a charity in need at 8:06am. They took the lot. 

They have volunteers who can come and collect if you can't deliver. I have volunteer 'Peter and ute' rocking up to my shed in the next week or so to collect everything. I've been told by the charity that all my stuff is going to those affected by the floods earlier this year. I'm sort of delighted about that... considering that my shed in question almost went under in the floods. It survived to help others not so lucky in the floods. It's all good.

This is how it all works.... if you're either a donor or a charity requiring stuff... HERE.

Reading the Givit List is very sobering. There are a lot of people in need out there.... in our own neighbourhoods. Good time to 'declutter' everyone. The jasmine is in bloom....let's all have a good 'spring clean' and help others while we're at it!

Happy Thursday!


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