Little one is off on camp today.
I know, I reckon it's way too young for camp. Year 3..... 8 years of age. Something to do with the "making of men".
Camps actually start in Year 2 at my boy's school. Both didn't attend their Year 2 camps. I'm sorry, but if they can't regulate the mixer temperature in the shower they are too young. I am reluctantly letting my little one attend this year. Big one went on his Year 3 camp so I can't very well stop the little one.
It's different this time though.....with an anaphylactic nut allergy and camp facilitators who cannot guarantee that the meals will be nut free!!!!! Can you believe that?.... in this day and age.... with the number of anaphylactic nut allergies out there. I feel this is a serious 'duty of care' issue.
If my little one wasn't so desperately keen to attend and if he didn't have such a dedicated teacher (who is prepared to put together all the meals I have to send along!) he wouldn't be going. I am forking out a camp levy that could fly me to Melbourne and put me up in a posh hotel and here I am preparing camp meals! So after issuing a brief tutorial to his teacher yesterday afternoon, on his menu and how to use his Epipen, he's off. We snuck Bun-Bun and Ted-Ted into our backpack too ... just in case........ "I think I might get a bit scared at night Mum".
The next few days I am going to be biting my nails. If you call me on my mobile, you can be sure I will be answering within one ring. Am I doing the right thing? Am I?
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