It was my little one's sports carnival yesterday. He came 1st in the Year 3 400 metre race... out of all those kids way bigger than him!!!! He's tiny.
I was so proud.
I almost missed the whole thing though. I was chatting away and noticed this little blonde thing, tearing up the straight. I thought to myself, "gee that kid is flying"..... and then I recognised him as my own. I got the shock of my life and ran alongside him for the last 100m, screaming like a banshee. I am sure I 'frightened' him over the finish line!
I noticed other little ones who did not have anyone cheering for them.... so those whose names I knew, I stood near the finish line (as they were seriously flailing) and screamed out their names. As they heard their names.... they sped up to get to that finish line. It almost made me cry to see how their spirits lifted just when they heard their name. Someone was cheering them on.
I had a 'gratitude moment', right there and then... so grateful that I have the flexibility in my life to be able to be there at these special moments in my boy's lives. It's so important.... being there for them. Making them feel that they are the most important person in your life at that very moment. Goodness, I almost missed a very special one due to my gas-bagging. Thank goodness I noticed him in time. He was bursting with excitement.... but humble....good boy .... just the way I've taught him to be. I was the one not so.... jumping up and down screaming with delight for him. One mother came over and said, "we could hear you from the grandstand". Nothing could have shut me up. So grateful I could be there.
It was a good day.
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