Isn't the gift just so beautiful? The letter was personal and homely (just what I love) and the aroma from the candles was heavenly as I opened the parcel. I have them near me know as I type this up, bringing to mind the treasured friendship that has come from Rox and others I now know.
When I started blogging over 2 years ago now, Rox was one of the first people who followed my blog. At that time I was very inexperienced in the ways of computers and all the accompanying gadgetry and not at all sure I had anything to offer in the blogging world.
Through blogging, social networks and email groups and later on Facebook I have come to know some wonderful ladies who I would consider kindred spirits. With a few I have exchanged the old fashioned type letters and gotten to know even better.
I still find it difficult to understand how some people still insist on the fact that due to it's electronic focus that blogging or FB or even social network groups cannot create REAL friendships.
I say this from personal experience....... I believe it can. That some of the dearest friends I have made in my life have been from initial phone friendships and now blogging.
Some of these friends I have met with and some I will never meet in person due to the vast oceans of water that are between us. But I still know that I can rely on these friends to pray for me, encourage me and to just be who they are.... as I am me.
In days gone past many friendships and romances were conducted by 'snail mail' and were true relationships. I just really can't see why the modern system we have can not be viewed as the same.
However, I as a relatively isolated person am VERY, VERY grateful for those wonderful women who have become near and dear to me. I treasure the trust and the gift of friendship that I have with them.
So I would just like to say to anyone else, don't be shy, open up and let others be gifted by who you are and what opportunities you may have to develop true friendships and kindred spirits, perhaps even with people you wouldn't have thought of.
I have never regretted it and I am sure you won't either.
Blessings to you and your homes,
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