
Thursday, April 7, 2011

I Ate Paris

All food photographed by me (gotta love that iPhone) and consumed by me.

Last time I was in Paris, 21 years ago, it was a case of "do I have a beer or do I eat tonight?".
This time I made up for lost youth experiences.

Time to strap on those running shoes..... once I get over the jet lag. 

Loading up photos in the dead of the night here, when it is really lunch time back in Paris, is fraught with danger. Is jet lag really worse West to East? I can't remember and I am much older this time.

It's going to be a long week.
PS. Oh and being a Dietitian and all (a rather 'tragic' one at that... I mean really, would any practising Dietitian consume the above?), I did manage to stave off scurvy. It was a cinch.


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