Monday: Wash Day
Tuesday: Ironing Day
Wednesday: Sewing Day
Thursday: Market Day
Friday: Cleaning Day
Saturday: Baking Day
Sunday: Day of Rest
In our modern day society I am not sure if the single daily tasks above fits in with how we run our homes BUT I do know that routines and how we use them in our home can lead to a far more pleasant and well run home.
I have planned routines for Homeschooling, for chores for morning and evening times and also for private devotionals and craft times. Sometimes just the creation of these routines helps me to focus on my tasks and sets out what are really the priorities for me and the running order of our home.
I also know that I am a happier and more contented person to have around when a routine is going smoothly. Unfortunately it seems my life revolves around creating new routines for our family and the situations we find our selves in.
However the fact that we constantly come back to a routine of one sort or another and that our home runs better for that proves the fact that in our home at least routines are a SIMPLE PLEASURE that actually makes our life more SIMPLE AND PLEASURABLE
To view some more Simple Pleasure that others are sharing, hop on over to Dayles Simple Pleasures.
Blessings to you and your homes,
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