
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Review and Giveaway on Thrifty Decor Chick-20 WINNERS!!!

I am excited to let you know about a Shaklee Review and Giveaway at MY FAVORITE BLOG,

 Thrifty Decor Chick!

Seriously,  Sarah is one of the reasons that I started my own blog!  I LOVE her site!!!

Sarah is a Shaklee member and LOVES Shaklee! 

She posted a Get Clean review and giveaway on her blog AND there will be 20 WINNERS!!!

She said,

“I’m not just blathering on about these products – I really, truly love them, use them and believe in them. I admit, I used to be a total skeptic when it came to “green” cleaning products – when I first tried them out I was quite biased against them. (I’m not really sure why!)

But every time I try a new Shaklee product I am so pleased – they have completely converted me.  ;) I have quite literally taken all of our other cleaning products out of the linen closets and they have been banished to the basement.

I actually realized the other day (after having them down there for at least six months now) I will never use them, so I’m just going to donate it all to a local shelter.”

She shows her before and after pictures and she included which products she used, how she used them and which are her favorites.

One of her FAVORITE products is the Dish Wash Concentrate.


Another one of her favorite products is the Scour Off paste.

scour off

After a few minutes, her oven door went from this…

to this…

And the inside, from this…


To this…


with the Scour Off!

She said,

“And that was before I was completely done cleaning it! I tried everything to get that off. For YEARS. It was super sonic stuck, until that yummy paste.”

She also has been using our Landry products.


She loves that all you need for a large load is two ounces:


(And it’s only one ounce for you lucky ducks with the front loaders!)

That is half of the amount she needs for a small load with the stuff she used to use.

She said,

“I’m getting more than two times the detergent for only three bucks more. (And that’s only for large loads!)”

Her all time favorite product is the Basic H2 Cleaning Concentrate.

She has been loving these products for 10 months now and LOVES them!

You can seriously use this stuff for everything!


Go to her site to READ her WHOLE POST and ENTER to win a sample of her favorite product now!

There will be 20 winners!

To learn more about these products or order now, please visit my online Shaklee shop.

Happy Cleaning,

Bonnie :)

I will be back Monday night with my Twice Owned Tuesday Party!

See ya then!



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