
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Laetare Sunday ...oops we missed it!

Some days are like the nose on the end of your face for me at the moment. I know it is there but mostly I don't see it.

Yesterday and the lovely liturgical Sunday of Laetare Sunday, Mothering Sunday or Rose Sunday completely slipped my nose notice. Severe embarrassment for this blogging Mummy.

"This Sunday has been called Laetare Sunday, from the words of the introit, laetare Jerusalem, "rejoice with Jerusalem." There is a joyful tone at this halfway point in Lent. The vestments are often rose-colored. Traditionally, the Apostles Creed is "handed over" to those in the catechumens, the last step for those preparing for baptism. The Sunday is also called Mothering Sunday, named because one would visit one's mother church on this day. This day also became connected with visiting one's mother when visiting one's home parish. Various customs developed, including the baking of "mother cakes." The Sunday also goes by Refection Sunday, i.e. Refreshment Sunday, named because of the Scripture reading of Joseph feeding his brothers. Finally, it is called Rose Sunday because of the papal blessing of the golden rose, a floral spray blessed by the pope and then given to a notable person or institution."

Sure I knew during the week I had plans for this Rose Sunday and was looking forward to creating more special memories with our family, but sadly I just seem to have lost my focus over this Lenten season.

So it was with great sadness when we went to Church yesterday to not only realise I had messed up our own home plans like we did last year, but to realise there was no mention of the significance of this day at all during Mass or any reference in colour or matter at all.

I really was hoping when we started our little Mothering Sunday tradition at Church last year that we could follow it up and truly make it a yearly event.

Sadly I do not know why I am having trouble focusing on our Lenten season this year but feel a great loss for the opportunities we have missed to grow in love of Jesus.

One of the reasons I think is:  I am for the first time in my life needing some serious "mummy time alone," therefore I am implementing a "Mummy Retreat......Home style" today. 

I will let you know how it all went.

A special Mothering Sunday Carol by George Hare Leonard to enjoy~
It is the day of all the year,
Of all the year the one day,
When I shall see my mother dear
And bring her cheer,
A-mothering on Sunday.
So I'll put on my Sunday coat,
And in my hat a feather,
And get the lines I writ by rote,
With many a note,
That I've a-strung together.
And now to fetch my wheaten cake
To fetch it from the baker,
He promised me, for mother's sake,
The best he'd bake
For me to fetch and take her.
The boys will all come home from town
Not one will miss that one day;
And every maid will bustle down
To show her gown,
A-mothering on Sunday.
It is the day of all the year,
Of all the year the one day;
And here come I, my mother dear,
And bring you cheer,
A-mothering on Sunday.
Blessings to you and your homes,


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