Last weekend I finally completed what I had wanted to start before we moved, pictorial routine charts for the younger children.
As we all have new chores and I am really trying to get the younger children to be self directed in the mornings, so hard for them especially after the move to know what to do with their time.
I spent a couple of hours cutting out and colouring (my favourite part) these simple charts for them to use each day.
I found some old pictorial chores and ideas from a long time ago that were not too large and photocopied them again. I simply choose the ones I wanted to use and then cut them out, put them into four piles, one for each child according to what they needed
I then used a thicker grade parchment look paper and folded it in half, A4 size that is. I drew on the front a simple picture with crayons. I love these crayons, they are cheap 50 cent crayons and are the best I have ever found. They colour beautifully and dare I say it I may like them better than our bees wax one, well maybe!
I then laid them out on the inside of the card and placed them in order for morning, lessons lunch, Dinner chores and cleanup and evening preparation. I then glued them in very easily.
We also added in some exercise and free reading and I have reintroduced a ' service of love' that each child is asked to do everyday for another person. If they cannot think of something they come to me and I give them an idea or they can do an act of love for me, like a job I need doing or helping with someone etc.
So far the children are doing very well with these as they can look where they are up to and know if they have free time.
It also helps me to know if they need help with anything and I can guide them to the chart without an argument about doing something.
If it is on the card they that is what needs doing, no debate about not being told about!
I think as we need new chores we can just glue a new picture over the old one, but the structure will remain the same. Simple and easy I love it!
Blessings to you and your homes,
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