It was on this night when our son Braedon asked his most precious Anna-Lisa to marry him...... and she accepted.
It was not till the next afternoon that we were finally made known of this wonderful event.
Braedon was most keen to have all of us at home so he could arrive with Anna-Lisa and give us the news.
However the fact that he would not bring Anna-Lisa over to visit us was a dead giveaway. Even our little ones had a good idea and Myffwyn hummed the wedding march as we got off the phone, after asking asking Braedon, for about the fourth time when they were coming over and he said that he was waiting for Dad to come home first.
After kisses and hugs of congratulations from everyone Stephen and I ducked out to the local Woolies to get some non-alcoholic champagne and Braedon's favourite 'sugar full wheat full" chocolate mud cake to celebrate with.
I can't tell you how much Anna-Lisa is loved by us all and it seems like she had been part of our family for ever. She and Braedon compliment each other so much.
I have seen how where one of them is weak in and area the other one is strong and so will be a great time together.
Congratulations to our dear son and our soon to be daughter in love!
Thank you for sharing this special time with us.
We love you very much!!!!
Blessings to you and your homes,
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