
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sneak Peek

The decorations that DID survive 'The Great Decoration Box Crash, From A Great Height, Event of 2011'. Note there are not too many glass-ish ones left :(

This took a while.

The tree hadn't seen the light of day since 'The House'. It was all a bit emotional really.
I dreamt about that damn house all last night....probably because a reader emailed me to say that there is a picture of it's front door in this month's Home Beautiful.

Will reveal all tomorrow. Don't get too excited. Lots of expense has always been spared with our tree. The lights...from Woolies.... for $6.99 a tangled bunch...5 years ago...have been going strong and have not needed to be replaced.... worse luck... and I can't remember the last time I bought a decoration. Little school masterpieces just kept being added each year... although they dried up this year...they're growing up.

My bike is alive. It's in one piece. We're off on a ride into the city this morning. We're packing sandwiches, apples and juice poppers (menu requested yesterday). I think we'll plant ourselves in the Botanic Gardens and contemplate the universe. 

Happy Sunday!


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