"that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father"
Philippians 2: 10-11
Ideas to Celebrate~
On a home made drawn crown , write all of the reasons that Jesus Christ is our King and Savior.
Another idea is to make a special "Christ the King" banner out of paper, or a more permanent idea out of fabric and fabric paint to proclaim The Kingship of Jesus.
Definitely make some felt crowns following this simple tutorial. Honestly you can never have too many crowns in a home in my opinion, they can be used for anything but for today in memory of Christ The King.
This detailed colouring page was made for us by Eden based on the original image above. We will definitely be colouring this one in, I hope you would like to use it too
Great colouring page
Colouring stained glass window look page
We have made this before but from Jen - a Foldable Table or Altar Decoration
Family Procession idea from Catholic Culture
Make a King Cake ~ I know there are many super duper version of this however we simply make a bundt cake and ice it. The kids then decorate it with lollies as jewels.
Lots of fun, easy to make and yummy to eat!
Here are our ideas and activities from past years
O Jesus Christ, I acknowledge you as universal King. All that has been made has been created for You. Exercise all Your rights over me. I renew my Baptismal Vows. I renounce Satan, his pomps and his works; I promise to live as a good Christian. And, in particular do I pledge myself to labor, to the best of my ability, for the triumph of the rights of God and of Your Church. Divine Heart of Jesus, to You do I offer my poor services, laboring that all hearts may acknowledge Your sacred kingship, and that thus the reign of Your peace be established throughout the whole universe. Amen.
May you have a blessed and memorable feast day,
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