Found on a quick visit to our local charity shop, teacups and a lovely pastel coloured stripey sheet! Then more birthday presents - a 1930's needlework magazine with some fantastic illustrations from Harriet and some beautiful vintage fabric from Janet which led us to emit textile firework noises - oooh aaarggh oh!
(Cherry said that we sound like we're watching fireworks when we're looking at fabric and yarn, the loudest day was Colinette yarn delivery day!)

Then I found this bread 'birthday cake' when I went to feed the chickens, it was from Lisa and David.

I started to make a collage using the teacup pincushion which lovely Beth illustrated for Oh Comely magazine for inspiration...

Here's the original illustration which she very kindly gave to me for my birthday accompanied by some very lovely Aspall's Cyder!

What a great way to spend the Bank Holiday! Thank you all again, Nic x
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