Here is a picture of my bathroom when we moved in our house.

Here it is now!

I bought this clock at a garage sale for $8, isn’t it so cute?!?! I love the detail. I got the flowers for free from my mother-in-law.

I got this clock at another garage sale for only $3. Love it!

These pictures were only $3 each. I really like the frames.

I got this cute hanging of little purses for only a dollar, so cheap!!!

Now, I am really proud of this next deal!!!! I bought this kit which included the light, towel holder, towel bar, toilet paper holder and robe hook (not shown) for ONLY $40 at Aldi!!!!! I still can’t believe it. Once a year Aldi has this amazing special and we bought 4 of them. What a steal!!

I bought these knob and pulls on ebay for less than $2 each! (They are the same as my kitchen.)

I love this rug too! This a PotteryBarn rug that I bought for only $8!!! That’s Right!

I got this

I bought this shower curtain rod for $20 at Wal-Mart. The rings were $1.50 for all at a gs and the curtain was $3.

The Longaberger stand and towels were a Wedding gift and the plant was $4 at a gs.

Evan the Pottery Barn soap dispenser was from a gs for $4.

These hooks really come in handy and it was only $3.

So there it is…. my decorated hall bathroom for less $120.
What do you think? Cottage Instincts,
I am linking this to Metamorphosis Monday, Cottage Instincts, Its So Creative, Make your Monday 2nd Time Around Tuesday, Toot your own horn, Talented Tuesday, Make it Yours Day, Strut Yourself Thursday, Transformation Thursday, Thrifty Thursday, Show off your cottage.
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