Here is the Before.

Here are some Afters.
I moved the bed, got so new furniture and accessories.

Another Before

Another After

The comforter was “brand” new from a garage sale for only $10.00 I still need to get more pillows.

I spent the most on the curtain rod, but I still got a great deal! It was regularly $60 from Bed, Bath and Beyond. But, it was on sale and I brought in a coupon in so I got it for only $25!!! It was amazing!!! I left the store giggling to myself at the steal! I love it!!!
The curtain was free because I made it with fabric that I already had.

I used the same lamp but I the nightstand was only $5.00.

It has a great shelf for magazines!

The dresser was free!!! My mom got it for me at a garage sale (she taught me how to garage sale).
I got the mirror for only $5. (I am going to paint it soon.)

I love the details!

I added new hardware for only $12.00.

The lamp and frame were $2 each and the money tree was $4.

Look at that face!!!

I already had the garbage can…cute!

I used the same shelf (it’s actually a mantel, but I needed a shelf.)

I added a frame that was only $2.00 and a picture that was $8.00. I don’t love it but it will do for now.

I added some flowers for $4.00.

I love this chair… was $20 from a garage sale (it was brand new, I got 2, YAY!)

My sister painted this headboard black for me. Love it! It looks way better black.

Look and the details!

She also painted my mirror black. Free!!!

Again, here is the before

And here is the after

So there you go, a room re-do for only $99.00.
Yes!!! Under $100!!!!!!
Actually, I sold the old dresser for $25, so it was really like $74.00. You can’t beat that!
You don’t have to spend a lot to make a big change!!!!
How do you like the new and improved guest bedroom?
Bonnie ;)
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