I'm happy that I am finally able to post something to show you all! My camera battery wasn't holding a charge so I had to replace it, plus I've been SUPER busy. Also, we finally had fiber optic cable installed so now I am able to upload pictures really fast...I honestly don't know how I survived with dial-up. I'm enjoying the fact that I can visit your blogs and have everything load so much faster!
This is how I decorated the top of my computer hutch.

The top of my dining room table. The candles are Apple Cider scented and they are yummy! I purchased them from Wal-mart...I just have to pick up more!!!

The top of a dresser in my living room...the pumpkin decoration I found at Salvation Army...it was really cheap and is from Home and Garden Party.

This fall decoration I picked up at a yard sale for $1.00. It is hanging on my front door.

A wreath on my back door.

I hope you enjoyed this little taste of fall in my home!
Please come back again soon.
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