Monday, September 29, 2008
Star Wars Clone Wars Weekend
Over the weekend we had a Star Wars Clone Wars Party. No, it wasn't anyone's birthday but the new season (cartoon) of Star Wars Clone Wars begins next week and the company wanted to spread the word. I signed up to be a host at HouseParty and they selected me and sent me the goodies.Like many parties, not everyone showed up, we competed with the town festival without realizing it. But or those
Saturday, September 27, 2008
~* Black Paint, Dishes, & A Pumpkin *~
Good Saturday morning to all of you! I wanted to show you something else I've painted black. I found candle holders at a yard sale and never did anything with them until last week. They were originally taupe colored and just didn't do anything for me. Once they were painted black I knew I had made the right decision. I've seen many of you display things on top of the candle holders instead of candles so I decided to put my little Amish girl and boy from Home Interiors that I got when my dh and I were first married on them.
Another thing I wanted to show you is the dishes I picked up at Walmart. I found them in the clearance section. I got two boxes of them (4 place settings each). The name of them is Amber Field. I found them online, too, but the funny thing is it says they are only available online and not in the stores. They were cheaper in the store though...go figure...I guess it was my lucky day...well, I really shouldn't say luck...I don't believe in luck...things happen the way they are to happen...not by chance.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Dial Complete Giveaway
I was recently sent two botles of the new Dial Complete Antibacterial soap (ours was soothing white tea scented) but it also has a new feature, at least to us it did. Now I won't lie, we've been using the Antibacterial soap for a while, but this one has a touch of lotion in it which makes your hands soft after using it.Dial Complete has teamed up with The Life of a Homemom for their Campaign for
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
~*I've Been Bitten By The Black Bug*~
...the black painting bug that is...I bought these letters last year at Target. They were white. They didn't look bad, but they blended in with the wall too much. I love how they now "pop" on the wall.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Giveaway Alert
More giveaways are coming along with a ton of reviews, I just need a bit more time and scheduling on this computer. Hopefully, if all goes right I should have a computer by this weekend. Keep those fingers crossed for me as the librarians know my every move and I feel like I'm some type of spy or something. Not to mention trying to get all your posting done in a limited time and watching the
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Another New Blogger
I know I have many supportive readers and I'd like for you all to head over and visit a new friend to the blogging world, and neighbor to myself. Her name is Michelle and has a new blog called, The Other Mother. Please stop by and leave her a message, she's just starting out and I know whould get a kick out of having comments on her blog.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Ringling Brothers Blog Tour
Do you remember going to the circus as a child? Did you ever get a chance to see a Ringling Bros Circus? These were my favorite, we only went to a few but they were a blast. I just loved watchig the acrobats, of course I was like the rest of the kids wishing to join them one day. In the meantime my favorite thing at the circus besides them was the pink cottony stuff, ya know the cotton candy.
~* Fall Goodies *~
I'm happy that I am finally able to post something to show you all! My camera battery wasn't holding a charge so I had to replace it, plus I've been SUPER busy. Also, we finally had fiber optic cable installed so now I am able to upload pictures really fast...I honestly don't know how I survived with dial-up. I'm enjoying the fact that I can visit your blogs and have everything load so much faster!
This is how I decorated the top of my computer hutch.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Save-a-Lot Giveaway
Ya'll know I've just started using coupons so this giveaway was a really neat and fun one for me. I mean a place that always has GREAT deals and here they were offering me gift cards for their store to my readers. Not only was I getting introduced to them but I can give something back to my readers too.How many of you can feed a family of four? Many of you can I'm sure, but how much does it
Libby Blog Tour
Oh we recently got a package in the mail with some GREAT songs by Sara Evans in it but besides the songs we also go VEGGIES. You know the one thing most kids protest, thankfully mine actually welcome the gross green things.With school recently starting many of us are wondering how we'll ever get the family back to the table. Am I right? Well there are ton of ways you can actually do this, in fact
Monday, September 15, 2008
Responsiblity Tour
Liberty Mutal wants to know just how responsible you are. So why not jump on this tour bus and find out what some bloggers are saying. I had a rather lengthy post for this but my time is limited now. ::Sniff::Sniff:: But MomCentral told me all about this and I would love to do them justice as well as Liberty Mutual, so for now I'll quickly mention it and touch up on it more when I'm back fully
I'm updating to let ya'll know that I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth. I'm able to use the library once a day except a few since hubby is in college, so you should see more of me in the coming weeks. In fact, tomorrow I'll be posting about a giveaway right here. :) Yep, I thought that'd peak your interest and it comes in the some of 4 $20 GC. haha, not telling anymore than that
Saturday, September 6, 2008
computer issues
The cord to my computer has died, it will no longer let me recharge. So I will be out for a few days, I can get it fixed on Thursday but in the meantime I'll be computerless. EEEEKKK! Keep sending those good vibes. Doc says I only had laringitis and couldn't determine what I had before it.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Why I love the Net?
I love the net because no one at the other end knows when you are sick or not. But hate all other forms of communication. For the past week I've battled a sore throat and cough with fever. I thought I was doing good, I'd done all the myths, you know the whole:- pump yourself full of vitamins- take halls- apply VICKS- stay covered- sleep (well I tried that doesn't always work)Three of my other
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Wordless Wednesday: Game Day
The kids attended a Minor League baseball game over the weekend in Kansas City, their team didn't win but boy did they have fun. Hmmm, Cotton candy, hot dogs and lemonade. Did you think they wouldn't? Just look at that wink?Happy WW!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Sick in the House
EEEEK, everyone is getting sick in the house. Stay back, be warned, I've warned ya. Even though I've told the neighbor kids we are sick they keep knocking on the door. "Can such and such come out to play?""Ummm, they are sick.""So they can't play?"I'm confused and stare at them, "No they are sick. You want to get sick."They look at me puzzled before I shut the door. I swear, doesn't anyone keep
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