
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Dear Vellvin ♥

Dearest Darling Vellvin,
I know this is not your actual birthday, that it was last Friday but as you were sick today is the day we will celebrate the special day that is 'all about you'

I know that it is a blessing to have such a sweet and lovely girl as you for a daughter and we give thanks for the fact that you are a part of our family.

As you turn 14, I mean really how can that be already. I still remember the sweet little baby who would sit in front of the basket of toys for ages playing so happily and I  see this now in your generally happy and sweet demeanor that you grace us with every day.

I pray you are well enough to enjoy this special day and that it may be a remarkable year ahead for you as you continue to grow in every virtue and that you continue to share your love of Christ with all around you in your every word and example.

Love you always my sweet,


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