You know I adore picture books as well?
You also know I love baskets too?
And of course scattered throughout our home are books in baskets!
If you happen to see an empty basket in our home, goodness how did that happen, well it won't be like that for long.
A week or more ago I happened to have a few empty baskets and was browsing blogs and saw this post by Ginny about her book basket.
Now like I said I had an empty basket and we have so many little books on our shelves that they just begged to be put in this basket for 'special time use'
What sort of special time though?
Hmmm, I think it will work for us as a 'wiggle time basket', you know a little one has some need for cuddle and special time with mama or just some time to be apart from others in a busy household and a focused activity to regroup with in a special type environment.
And as we are entering a stressful time with moving I can see this little basket getting a lot of use.
Oh, you are wondering what I put in that basket well here is an incomplete list (as I am a long way from that basket at the moment)~
Old Bear Collection by Jane Hissey (we have had these simply forever they are well loved and their box is missing the bottom too)
Brambley Hedge Boxed Set - Summer, Autumn, Winter Spring by Jill Barklem (again a much loved set)
If you give a Mouse a Cookie
The Fairy Necklaces Flower Fairies of the Wayside and Flower Fairies of the Trees all by Cecily Mary Barker
Now it's Fall and I like Winter by Lois Lenski
Selected 'extra' copies of Beatrix Potter that aren't in our boxed collection
Miffy and Miffy's Garden by Dick Bruna (we have quite a collection of these as our own dear Myffwyn is often called Myffy and we bought her some of these for her won as well as some for our family library)
Little Grey Rabbit's Washing Day By Alison Uttley
Mother Goose and The Language of Flowers by Kate Greenaway
First Prayers and First Hymns by Tasha Tudor
A collection of Victoria Plum Adventures
Ladybird Books - The Story of Daniel and The Wind in the Willows
And from my own childhood Little Donkey by Jessica Broderick
Well that is all I can think of right now but I hope to change and add some interesting titles for our little ones to enjoy.
Do you have any favorites to add??
Blessings to you and your homes,
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