Octopus floatingin earth’s ink-ore corewhose arms extendup here as treesmay your branches squirttheir black acrossmy pages please
Argonauts (Cephalopoda: Argonautidae) are a group of rarely encountered open-ocean pelagic octopuses with benthic ancestry. Female argonauts inhabit a brittle ‘paper nautilus’ shell, the role of which has puzzled naturalists for millennia. The primary role attributed to the shell has been as a receptacle for egg deposition and brooding. Our observations of wild argonauts have revealed that the thin calcareous shell also functions as a hydrostatic structure, employed by the female argonaut to precisely control buoyancy at varying depths. Female argonauts use the shell to ‘gulp’ a measured volume of air at the sea surface, seal off the captured gas using flanged arms and forcefully dive to a depth where the compressed gas buoyancy counteracts body weight. This process allows the female argonaut to attain neutral buoyancy at depth and potentially adjust buoyancy to counter the increased (and significant) weight of eggs during reproductive periods. Evolution of this air-capture strategy enables this negatively buoyant octopus to survive free of the sea floor. This major shift in life mode from benthic to pelagic shows strong evolutionary parallels with the origins of all cephalopods, which attained gas-mediated buoyancy via the closed-chambered shells of the true nautiluses and their relatives.
From afar, she looks like one of those ubiquitous pieces of oceangoing flotsam washed from shore or ship and plying the ocean with indestructible endurance. I paddle towards her, bent on litter collection, only to discover that she is not a styrofoam cup or a plastic sandal but a living creature roaming inside her own home—an argonaut, or paper nautilus, probably of the species Argonauta argo. She is a member of a genus of octopus that long ago abandoned life on the seafloor in favor of roaming the open seas. Unlike her namesake, the chambered nautilus, her delicately coiled shell is not an external skeleton that she is attached to as we are to our fingernails, but a mobile home that she can come and go from like a hermit crab.
I have never seen an argonaut alive in the sea before, and with fumbling hands I don mask, snorkel, and fins and slip over the side, dragging the va’a canoe by the float so as not to lose it. She is a timid creature and this may be the only opportunity that ever comes my way to see her in the wild. The thought going through my mind as I waft my fins is that I must approach as softly as a ripple.
It doesn’t matter though. She is engaged in one of those acts of violence that nearly preclude thoughts of personal safety. She is half out her shell, pulsing in bright red and yellow, the colors literally tumbling through her like reflections from flashing police lights. Her colors are so strong they bleed beneath the skin of her paper-thin shell, bruising it. She is administering the coup de grâce to a pteropod, a sea butterfly. Her eight arms are flared open, an umbrella turned inside-out, exposing the parrotlike beak. The pteropod is flapping its transparent wings in hopes of escape but the argonaut is reeling it in on the sucker disks of her arms, biting it, then tucking it under her bell, and rolling herself back into her translucent shell, where the flames of her hunting colors soften to pink.
Quietly now, her big eyes innocently wide, she floats a foot below the surface, arms wrapped over her head, the tips of them tucked daintily into her shell, leaving most of her sucker discs exposed. She observes me from a safe distance, one orange eye watching as she feints towards shore, the other watching as she tacks towards her home in the open sea.
Tips for a Safe and Happy Summer
Summer's back—and so is fun in the sun! But before you hit the beach or stage a friendly water gun fight in your backyard, keep in mind that ultraviolet rays from the sun can do a number on your skin; in fact, they are the most common cause of premature aging. Here are some simple ways you can protect yourself—and your loved ones—and still have fun in the sun.
Reduce Sun Eposure During Peak Hours UV rays are strongest and most dangerous between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., so the less time you spend outdoors during these hours, the better. That doesn't mean you have to ditch out on all the fun. For instance, instead of heading out to the pool at 2 p.m., wait a few hours and go at 5 p.m. The sun will still be up and there'll be plenty of light out. And don't be fooled on an overcast day—you can still get burned because up to 80% of the sun's UV rays can penetrate through the clouds. If you can, stay in the shade.
Cover Up
Be fashionably smart. Wear protective clothing that covers as much of your body as possible. Remember to cover your hair and head with a wide-brimmed hat. You might even consider carrying an umbrella for shade. The more protection you have the better off your skin will be.
Protect Your Eyes Always wear sunglasses. Not only are they great for complementing your wardrobe, they also deflect harmful UV rays that reflect off of water, sand, and other surfaces. This helps reduce the risk of cataracts and other eye conditions. And, you won't have to squint!
Apply Sunscreen Generously
Don't be shy. Apply a liberal amount of sunscreen evenly on all areas of the skin—and don't forget your lips, nose, ears, neck, hands, feet, and head (if necessary). Do so at least 20 minutes prior to sun exposure and remember to re-apply every two hours, especially after swimming.
And Arm Yourself with Antioxidants!
What's the big deal? Environmental assaults such as sunlight, pollution, stress, and even normal metabolism produce free radicals in our bodies, that can damage cells, alter DNA, and cause skin to age prematurely. Phytonutrients such as carotenoids and flavonoids—antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, and plants—combat these free radicals and protect your body against cellular damage. So be sure to include lots of antioxidants in your diet. Your skin—and your overall health—will thank you.
Shaklee Products Can Help You All Summer Long
In addition to providing broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection, clinically proven Enfuselle® sunscreens contain triple-patented Vital Repair+ ® complex—a synergistic blend of seven targeted antioxidants that produces results much greater than the sum of each ingredient alone. In other words, it protects against premature older-looking skin. Plus, all Enfuselle products are paraben-free. Keep these at home and in your beach bag:
Time Repair A.M.® SPF 15
Feel good every morning with this five-in-one clinically proven formula that meets all your skin's daytime needs for renewal, recovery, moisture, nourishment, and protection. Nonirritating and hypoallergenic, Time Repair A.M. SPF 15 also contains botanical photo-brighteners to improve skin color. I use this everyday!
Enfuselle® SPF 30
This clinically proven sensitive-skin formula filters out the sun's harsh UVA and UVB rays to protect against sun damage. The triple-patented Vital Repair+ complex adds extra protection against prematurely older-looking skin by neutralizing harmful free radicals. Oil free and easy to apply. This is the only sunscreen that I have ever used on my kids!
Lip Treatment SPF 15
Drenched with vitamins C and E, as well as calendula extract and moisturizing plant oil, this nourishing lip treatment softens vulnerable and dry lips, smoothes the appearance of vertical lines, and prevents peeling and chapping. The broad-spectrum SPF protects against UV-induced collagen breakdown. I love this stuff!!! I have tried some many different brands and this do not even compare!
Supplement Wisely—Be Sure to Get Your Daily Serving of Antioxidants
People usually consume only a fraction of the phytonutrients they should on a daily basis. Many potent phytonutrients are found in parts of the plants that we commonly discard, such as peels and seeds. Shaklee FlavoMax® and CarotoMax®;contain 12 of the most beneficial phytonutrients—six carotenoids and six flavonoids—to help promote optimal health.*
CarotoMax and FlavoMax contain the phytonutrient power of more fruits and vegetables than you could possibly eat in one day – delivered in a convenient and potent supplement form. 100%guaranteed for purity, potency and efficacy
I hope that you will have a great, happy and safe summer!!!
Bonnie :)
Please visit my online Shaklee site.