I am having my first PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many of you know that I love parties, I love linking up or just checking out the links.
I decided to have my own and your invited!
Twice Owned Tuesday Party!
Anyone who has anything that is twice owned.
I LOVE second hand pieces, whether:
garage/yard sale treasure,
hand me down treat,
dumpster delight
Goodwill goody!
Because everyone loves to see a great find and garage sale season is officially HERE!!! Yippy!
Every Tuesday!
Just link your actual post, not your blog url.
I thought that I would get this party started by showing one of my favorite garage sale finds.
I found this awesome 8 chair, 2 leaf Pottery Barn table. (I only use the extra leaves and chairs when having guests.)
And it was only………$200!!!!!! Yeah baby!!!!!!! What a deal, considering a single Pottery Barn chair is about $250.00.
When I found this beauty, she was a light wood color. I couldn’t find a good picture of it. Here is a picture with the table in the background so you get an idea of how it looked.
Then, my sweet hubby painted it black for me. I love it!!!!
Here it is at Christmas time.
And in the fall.
And at a birthday party.
Here it is with the leaves and chairs.
And at a card party.

I love this table and am so glad that I found it!!!
Now it is your turn, please show me your “Twice Owned” treats!!!!
I can’t wait to read your posts. I get giddy when I see great deals so please link up!
I will feature my favorites next week, so come back and check them out!
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