Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Carma Turns Bad to Good
Oh, don't tell me carma doesn't come around and wishing out to the Universe doesn't pay off. First, this week had been a very bad week. The school called earlier this week asking if my oldest daughter, age 9, was doing okay. Confused since I'd put her on the bus that very morning I asked if she threw up and if I needed to pick her up. Instead I got more confusion as they claimed she'd never been
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wendy’s High School Heisman Blog Tour & Giveaway
How many of you love Wendy's? I know I just love those frosties they make and of course the mushroom hamburgers, the kids love the chicken sandwiches. Well Wendy's wants to help the kids out once again and this time they are giving them a reward. Check out the following information:With college admissions growing more and more selective, the Wendy's High SchoolHeisman program presents a great
Saturday, September 26, 2009
A Trip to the Carnival
Thursday and Friday it was time to go out and have some fun with the family. So what did we do? Well the town has a carnival in town for "Oktoberfest" and we hit it up. Thursday was just a night for the rides before the GRAND OPENING on Friday, we figured this would be the best time to hit it up with very few people.As you can see we decided to walk up there for two reasons. 1. to get the kids
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Our trip to Ringling Bros Circus
Okay, here are the results of the Ringling Bros Circus. First, when we got there it almost looked as if we were at the wrong place because we got there early. They had the elephants outside eating hay and playing with a tire. We watched for a bit as the two youngest screamed with laughter (Little A) and talk about how they are her favorite animal and she would love to bring it home with us (
Wordless Wednesday: Family at Circus
Okay this shot was taken by SoccerBoy. Here is me (mom), the girls and Little A standing with one of the Ringling Bros Circus performers. You can see the excitement in their faces, of course the elephant on stage caught Little A's attention.Happy WW!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A Spider Greets Me
I've been thinking about Fall and Halloween all week now. The one thing that I always associate with Halloween is spiders. Right? My food friend, Michelle, has even been showing me her photos of spiders which are great. (in fact I'll be doing a giveaway in the next few weeks for one of her photos)Well imagine my horror/surprise this morning as I open the front door to find THIS hairy monster
GE Sweepstakes Contest
Don't forget to click on the little "GE Strong as Steel" Sweepstakes ad on the side of the page. You can enter this once a day for your chance to win:-GE Tall Tub Built-in Dishwasher-GE Spacemaker Over-the-Range Microwave Oven-GE® 25.0 Cu. Ft. ENERGY GE Side-By-Side Refridgerator with Dispenser-GE® 30” Free-Standing Electric Range-GE® 30” Free-Standing Gas Range with Warming DrawerI will not
Monday, September 21, 2009
Ringling Bros Circus Came to Town
Here's a few pictures of just a few things we saw this past Thursday when the hubby and I took the kids to the Ringling Bros Circus in Kansas City, thanks to MomCentral. The kids had a blast and so did we. Honestly I thought it would take a lot longer to get there due to traffic, even tweetered that as we were hitting traffic. It ended up going fast after about ten minutes, when we got to the big
The Wizard of Oz's 70th Anniversary in Theaters
I just got word that those in the right cities will be able to watch "The Wizard of Oz" 70th anniversary in theaters. Read the info below:NCM Fathom, Warner Home Video and Turner Classic Movies present The Wizard of Oz 70th Anniversary Hi-Def Event in over 440 movie theaters on Wednesday,September 23rd at 7:00 p.m. Audiences will be treated to the full feature, plusa deeper look into this
Atkins Product Blog Tour
We recently got to try out the new Atkins All Purpose Baking Mix and pasta. This is definitely and easy way to bring healthy food into your family diet. These days it seems that family are going for the easy way out, the quick drive thru run or call and order a pizza. Sports seem to make this quick and easy meals just that more convienent as no one wants to stay up late for mom/dad to make dinner
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wordless Wednesday: Picture Day
It was picture day yesterday and Little A felt left out after I took this picture of the girls. So once at home he stood up on a chair and proudly showed me his school outfit. Happy WW! Leave a comment so I can return the favor.
Thank You VerizonWireless
Yesterday was a halfway okay day, it started getting bad when I didn't have any soda/sugar in the house and developed a bad headache. But it got worse when the hubby came home and showed me we had an extra $300 on our phone bill. Knowing very well we couldn't pay it and that if we coudln't we'd lose the phone and since my internet is connected that too. I went into panicked mode and we
MSN's MomsHomeRoom and 'Little Bites'
Wow! These are so small, not like your average mini-wheats. MomCentral recently sent me a box of the new Kellogg's breakfast cereal Frosted Mini-Wheats "Little Bites", the difference is these are half the size and honey nut flavored. I'm sure there are other flavors but I like the lightly touched honey flavor.But in combination with the new cereal MSN has created a website for moms to chat about
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sonic Limeade for Learning Winners
The two winners were done different today, the first one was picked by my son. I asked between 1 and 150 pick a number. He immediately replied, "that's easy 77, the year of your birth." Sooooooo, the winner is...Loved my 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Gale. LOVE Diet Coke with Lime and want everyone to vote for MY project:I would give to my project!!! Check it out!! It's called: We Love Reading Groups!
Barbie and the Three Musketeers Mini Doll Review
I thought it would be best if I placed the review for the Barbie and the Three Musketeers Mini Musketeers Doll apart from the movie review. Hope you check out the movie and then come back to let me know what you thought.BabyGirl is 6 years old and in the all things imagination and Barbie Stage, which I love. It is amazing the things she remembers, right after watching the movie she went and took
Barbie and the Three Musketeers Movie Review
I was recently sent the new "Barbie and the Three Musketeers" movie and doll to review. First, I want to explain that Sophie (the PR Gal) and I chatted about my own daughter recently being upset that there were no Barbie or Princesses that had glasses. Sophie sent us a Barbie Bag that on it has Barbie wearing Sunglasses. It tickled BabyGirl so much, she continues to carry that very big bag with
Sunday, September 13, 2009
My Sonic Trip
Okay this is a bit late but so much has been going on. Thursday I did get offline and take Little A up to Sonic Drive In with me to use our $25 Sonic Gift Card to buy something for "Limeades for Learning." I ordered a breakfast burrito and a large rootbeer, he ordered the grilled cheese sandwich with a Strawberry limeade. He wasn't too impressed with his limeade so I did buy him a chocolate
Thursday, September 10, 2009
~* My New Treasures *~
Hello blogging friends! I have some goodies to share with you...while visiting a local resale shop to make a donation of things my family no longer needed I found this antique wash stand. At first I wasn't going to get it...what would my dear hubby say...did we really have the room for it...I honestly didn't know what to do so I decided to give my name and number to the sweet lady there. Low and behold I received a call and was offered it at a lower price! Of course, I couldn't pass it up!
I love the curved front on it! I know that I am definitely changing the hardware.
I also found this nice picture frame that I'm going to make into a chalkboard for my porch.
And last, but not least, I got this old window from my church. They were replacing all of the windows with new ones. When an announcement was made asking if anyone would want one, I knew I wanted one for sure! I've gone to this church since I was a year old and I wanted a part of history. I'm painting the frame because it's in bad shape, then I'll hang it in the dining room. Thank you so much for stopping by!
Thank you all for your sweet birthday wishes! You all are so kind. On another note, Lil Mama has still not returned and it has been three weeks...I'm still holding out hope that she'll return one day.
♥ Kim
Sonic Drive In and Fundraisers
Kids were so excited yesterday when they came home from school. SoccerBoy had won some type of ipod-like radio. I'm calling it that because it was small like an ipod but only picked up radio stations, unfortuneately it doesn't seem to work inside the house. I'm going to try it out later today when I go for a walk. The two oldest also received those state score tests that they do in school each
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wordless Wednesday: The Face Says it All
We got a shipment to review yesterday, which I think BabyGirl really likes. What do you think? Happy WW! Leave a comment so I can visit.
Feeling Better and Updating
Yes I know my titles have died out but I've been sick for a few weeks and it seems that it is finally dropping the veil. I can finally stay awake longer than a couple of hours which feels great, but with the new storm coming in I can only wonder if I'll be back in bed very shortly. So yes, I've been a bit out of it but rest assured I'm getting better and coming back to blogland. Miss me?What's
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Limeades for Learning: Sonic's Giveaway
Ya'll know how much I just LOVE my Sonic's and thankfully there are a few in my area. But for today I'll stick with something for everyone. Did you know they are currently doing a "Limeade for Learning" for the month September, SONIC will donate more than half a million dollars to fund classroom materials and experiences needed to inspire learning. I don't know about you but to me this sounds
Friday, September 4, 2009
Lunchables Review
Ya'll saw my post on our Lunchables Party, now for me to tell you all about the Lunchables themselves. First, buying a lunchable is one of the quick things a mom can do that is rushing. This comes with the meal and drink. Now not all lunchables come with a drink, however the new combo meals do...which I love. (this is late due to everyone being sick, still hoping to get caught up with everything)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
First Breastfeeding Doll, Now a Pole Dancing Doll?
A pole dancing doll? I'm serious, that was the google trend, someone thought it would cute to make a doll that dances around a pole. I couldn't even picture and occasion you'd give this doll to a child. I mean she's a pole dancer. I guess sure if she plans on growing up to become a pole dancer/stripper that's the perfect graduation gift but I haven't heard very many girls say that's what they
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Life in the Sick Lane
Oh three of us have came down with the colds from....ummm, well let me just say it SUCKS. The kids have started school and we all know that means bringing home the germs and sure enough by Friday BabyGirl had come come with some sniffles. But since daddy was taking them to the big Football Game on Saturday she pretended to be just fine. The game was the KC Chiefs vs. Seattle Seahawks, course KC
Ringling Brothers Circus Winner is....
The winner of the Ringling Brothers Circus is....... Tweeted!! posted bymom2anutball : 9:54 PMI love the Tigers! So pretty! Thanks for thechance, and the info. I had no clue it was coming!hawkgirl_16{at}hotmail{dot}com Congrats to Mom2aNutball, I have four nutballs myself so I think these tickets will come in handy for you. Send me an email with
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